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Routing Fear

Writer's picture: Aileen PriceAileen Price

Lately, I've wrestled with fearful thoughts about my future. The health challenges of recent years have left me worried about what trial might come next. I worry about being ill-equipped with resources and support. Something happens in these times as the Lord gently guides me past fear. I thank the Lord for His still small voice that reminds me of His faithfulness throughout those situations. He walked with me during the seven months that I was hospitalized due to pancreatitis. He walked with me during the year when my mental health was being rebalanced. He assures me that He will be with me in the future by prompting me to remember passages in His Word.

The first passage that comes to mind is the sermon in which Jesus talks about worry. In Matthew 6, starting in verse 25, Jesus addresses worry and concerns about having basic resources, such as food and clothing. He says that our heavenly Father knows we need these things (verse 32). Instead of worrying about these things, He urges us to seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and they will be added unto us. He concludes by saying that each day has enough worry of it's own. In other words, we should not occupy today with the problems of tomorrow. Instead of focusing on our areas of need, we are to place our focus on the Lord. He does not want us to live in a state of fear but rather in a state of trust.

In the Old Testament, we see the story of Joshua, who succeeded Moses in leading the people of Israel into the promised land. He would encounter challenges, including facing other nations, but the Lord promised to be with him. In Deuteronomy 31:8, Moses encourages Joshua and says, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." While I was recovering from pancreatitis and faced many appointments to address complications, I heard a sermon about Deuteronomy 31:8. The pastor talked about how the Lord not only was with Joshua, but He also goes before us, and He is present in our tomorrow. I felt very encouraged because I had received some bad medical reports, including the concern that I might have ovarian cancer. I feared facing another medical issue, especially because my body had not fully recovered from pancreatitis. Hearing the sermon gave me courage. The Word of God served to curb fear. It turns out that I did not have cancer. Thank God for the positive report. I also thank him for intervening before the report arrived and providing me with a dose of trust during the wait.

God is trustworthy. He is constant in all His ways. I recently read a Psalm about the benefits of trusting in the Lord. Talking about the righteous, Psalm 112:7 says, "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." Oh that I would reach a level of trust in which I'm steadfast in the face of bad news! This Psalm reminds me of 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) which says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." A steadfast heart and soundness of mind are found by trusting in the Lord. How do we grow to trust Him? I believe the answer is found in remembering His faithfulness in the past.

An ancient Biblical practice was to remember the mighty works the Lord had done for His people. For example, in celebrating the Passover, the Israelites celebrated their deliverance from Egypt (Deuteronomy 16:1). Likewise, the book of Joshua records that memorial stones were set up to remind future generations that they crossed the Jordan River on dry ground (Joshua 4). The book of Psalms has verses in which the author commits himself to remembering the Lord's mighty deeds (Psalms 105:5; Psalm 77:11). Taking time to remember the Lord's hand of guidance, intervention, and deliverance strengthens our faith.

I thank the Holy Spirit of God for bringing reminders of His faithfulness to my mind from both my own experiences with Him and through His Word. I encourage you to remember how He brought you through, answered your pleas, provided for you, and rescued you. My memorial stones include journal entries I've made to remind myself of His faithfulness. How will you remember His goodness? How will you rout fear?

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